
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Don’t Have a Style….then create one!!!!

Many people say they don’t have any fashion sense and don’t know how to find/create one.  Ever look through a magazine and say “Oh…I like that” or stroll through FB or IG and “I like her outfit”.  Next time you are looking through a magazine  and see an outfit you like rip the page out…only if its your magazine, and create a style board.  Do the same thing for the FB and IG pics….create an album or a photo collage that can serve as you digital style board.  Then go shopping.  You may not be able to find the exact pieces, but you can find similar items and you may be able to switch out pieces to make it your own.  I suggest taking a look at the color palate for the summer.  There are a few pages of FB that are dedicated to fashion and post picture of different outfits during the day.  Check them out: Fashion, Fashion STyle, and Tidestore.  Fashion has links to other sites, and Tidestore has it own web site where you can actually purchase the styles you like.
Photo from Fashion STyle via Facebook


  1. Love this. I need to follow these when creating my style. +RhondaDollard

  2. I really think this is a great idea. Love it!

  3. Thank you +TajuanaIsaiah and +PatriciaKingston. We try to write positive articles to impress our audience. We appreciate your feedback.

  4. You're the best +RhondaDollard
