
Monday, January 20, 2014

Tips on Planning a Valentine's Dinner Party

With Valentine's Day arriving so soon, you are probably thinking what can I do differently to show my spouse how much I love him or her on this special day. Even though love should be shown everyday, Valentine's Day has a meaning. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get to PLANNING!!!!!!!!!!

Plan Ahead: Every successful event starts with a master plan, which is then executed precisely. Planning ahead is the key to producing a successful event. This will save you time, money, and stress. Valentines is all about passion, Love, and romance. Your dinner party should say I love you, I appreciate you, and you are the best thing in my life. Always make time for those we love.

Stay on budget: In the planning stage decide on a budget and stick to the budget.  Ask yourself what do I already have at home to throw a dinner party? To answer those questions begin by shopping for party pieces in and around your home.  Shop at home first before you buy. It’s a giving you will have most if not all of the pieces needed to host your party.  There is no need to spend money on new pieces when you can use what you have. If you absolutely need a specific piece(s) shop around for deals; wait until they are on sale. Use the Internet to find bargains.

Get the word out: Start by compile a guest list with phone numbers and email addresses. Design your own invitations and e-mail them. Consider using Evite to distribute your invites. is a free service that allows you to design and email invitations to guests. This gives advance confirmation of guests.  If you would like to use one of our free downloadable valentine’s invitations at . Add your information in the text box, save the word document, and email to your guests.

If dinner is for your spouse whisper in their ear softly something sensational and relay private dinner invite seal with a kiss. Verbal invitation is also another option. These are free methods that are sure to keep you under budget and get everyone buzzing about your upcoming party.

Select a Venue: Your venue plays an important role in creating the feel of romance. Let me suggest hosting the event at home. This will save on rental and décor cost as your home is already ornate by default and no rental cost is involved.

Décor is the key to transforming your party space: Begin by incorporating those pieces you have in home to create an ambiance of warmth and love. These pieces can be incorporated into your meal serving, displaying of food, utensils, and beverages.  Set the table with fresh flowers while using candles for lighting.

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