
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Meeting with Clients

Getting together with clients is a huge part of any event coordinator’s job. I personally schedule “meeting days” to consult with clients in a “relaxed but professional atmosphere”.  I especially enjoy working with clients who request the unusual or the impractical -- and finding a way to make the occasion happen. 

But working with clients does not always go according to plan. Because I operate my business from my home, there are always unexpected visits that happens late at night or on the weekends when we are closed. Let's face reality, on weekends we are setting up for events or sharing family time together. Having a supportive family can help when you are running your business from your home. Expect walk-ins, or potential clients who drop in without an appointment. “A walk-in can destroy a day,” “It’s a judgment of how to handle a walk-in. It is very hard to turn away a potential client. But on the other hand, you have to make a decision on what is best for you and your business. That is where being an experienced event planner helps. and also the support from your family.

I have a message on my business phone that specifically states we are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, but for some reason there are clients who overlook that message, but that's alright because they will have the chance to leave a message and their call will be returned on the next business day. :) 

Clients can also contact us via email at 

1 comment:

  1. +Rhonda Dollard
    +Brittany Dollard
    +Genisha Wright
    +Alexan Green
