
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How He Popped the Question.....Its Not What You Think!!!

Hey every body. I'm Rhonda, the newest blogger.  I got engaged last April and I wanted to share how it happened.....

I was at work (Belk) one rainy day in April after my last final exam.  I get a phone call asking what time I get off and what I planned to do after I got off.  I say "Nothing, just going home", and he tells me not to leave if he's not there before I get off and that he "had something to ask me".  I tell one of my coworkers what he said and the first thing that comes out of him mouth is "Gurl you might be gettin' a ring." Then my heart dropped to my stomach. So for the next hour and a half my eyes are glued to the door, and as the customers come in the store I realize that the rain is really coming down.

Ok, fast forward to me walking to his car......I get in and he looks real nervous and he has something he needs to get off his chest.  I'm thinking "Please don't tell me they not gonna let you off for graduation....they gonna make me blow somethin' UP!!!!"  He starts talking and then there's a knock on the window...managers can't leave until the parking lot is clear.  We move to the Target parking lot and he asked me to close my eyes he has something to give me.  OMG what in the world is going on right now.   Then he pulls out a picture of his son for my keyring.....*eyeroll*.  My heart goes back to its original location and I give him the "stop playing wit me look".  He tells me to close my eyes again and he reaches for something.  I didn't look, he was holding my hand and I felt his body move to the side.  Then he kisses my hand.  At this point I'm ready to go because he's playing with my emotions.  Then he asked me to close my eyes again AND cover my eyes.  I do it......then I hear a box open.....I'm thinking earrings, necklace, then he takes my hand.  At this point my heart is in my feet.  I feel him putting the ring on my finger and he asks "Soooo will you?"  I start to laugh and asking him "Are you serious".  I laugh for about 3 more minutes then the laughter turns to tears, and he asked "What's wrong?" and all I could do was grab his face and kiss him.  After the tears were dry, I asked him "Did you talk to my daddy. I'm not gonna say yes until you ask him first".  A bit old fashioned but you have to show respect.  I give him the number and he said that he would call him the next day.  I called him after we pulled off and he didn't answer.  About five minutes later he calls back.

Ok, fast forward to me getting home.....I walk in the house trying to play it off.  My mama was on the phone with my sister, and she asked me what was wrong.  I'm like "Nothing", with a big smile on my face.  I can't hide nothing.  So I spill the beans....and all I can hear is my sister screaming to the top of her lungs on the other line.....mind you its finals time for her building....I think she woke up the entire building.  Then I find out that he wasn't supposed to do it that night, is was planned (mostly by my sister) to be done at lunch/dinner after graduation.  It was burning a hole in his pocket since he had bought it in December and he couldn't hold it any longer.

At first I wanted a do over, but as I wrote this I realized that it's quite memorable the way it was done....a bit funny too.  But that's who we are :p

SN: The reason he didn't answer the phone when I called.....he was talking to my daddy!!!!

Rhonda D. AKA Quiet Storm


  1. Great blog! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you so much +Sonya. I'm so excited to have our new Assistant bloggers. +Rhonda Dollard is a sure natural. Please let us know if you have some ideas, comments, or concerns that you wish to see in our blog. We are always opened for feedback.
