
Friday, January 11, 2013

Romantic Valentine's Day Tips

Every woman deserves to pamper themselves but on Valentine's day, it should be more intense. Book an entire day to have yourself pampered at a nice salon/spa. Pamper yourself from your head to your feet. Get your body all silky and smooth. Instead of going for the traditional pink or red, try lavender as your color scheme with a touch of violet. This creates a sexy look and gives off a great light that's flattering. Keep this color scheme throughout every room. This will make a nice transition from the family/living room to the bedroom.

Tip: Turn off all forms of communication from the outside world,  ignore the doorbell (an unannounced guest should be somewhere else except ringing your doorbell on Valentine's. ) Enjoy yourself with the one you love. Unless a life or death crisis is involved, everything else can wait.

 SN: If you don't have a special one to be with on Valentine's Day, your can still pamper yourself and watch a movie, in the privacy of your own home.

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