
Friday, December 14, 2012

What Does RSVP Mean? states meaning for R.S.V.P. stands for the French phrase, “répondez, s’il vous plaît,” which literally translates to “respond if you please,” or more simply, “please respond.”
When you accept an invitation, it would be very rude  not respond back.  Let’s face it, this is an Emily Post “must”
  • Respond in a way as politely as possible
  • You don’t have to provide a reason if you decline the invite
  • If you are not sure you can make it, just say that “at this moment, I am not sure if I can make it but as soon as I work out my schedule, I will let you know.”
  • If the hostess has taken the time to send you an invite with a self-addressed stamped envelope, it won’t take long to decide if you are attending and drop the invite back off in the mail

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