
Friday, December 14, 2012

Cell Phone Etiquette

Excuse me, would you be so kind to turn off your cell phone during the ceremony?  This has become a norm these days with cell phones ringing during a sacred ceremony and to me, it’s just rude. If the guest doesn’t want to turn it off, they can either turn it on vibrate or leave the ceremony. What phone call can be that serious to receive during a wedding ceremony? Would you want this to happen during your special moment? I wouldn’t think so.  Here are some ways to remind guests to turn off their cell phones during your special day.

  • Print a tasteful little notice in your program ceremony, saying: “We wish to remind you to please turn off your cell phone and refrain from using your cell phone during the wedding ceremony. Thank you!”
  • You could notify everyone as they sign a guest book when entering the ceremony site. Have an attendant direct guests to sign the book. Next to the book post an attractive sign (perhaps in a picture frame) next to the book. You could use the same wording as above, ‘reminding’ your guests to turn off their cell phones

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